External Funding Opportunities

Healthy Eating Research Commissioned Research Opportunity

Application Deadline: Rolling

Healthy Eating Research has research funds available for small commissioned studies (up to $100,000) and papers (up to $8,000). Commissioned projects are intended to address time-sensitive research questions; all projects should aim to identify and evaluate policies, environmental approaches, and systems changes that advance health and nutrition equity in the areas of healthy food access and security, diet quality, and healthy weight, thus improving inequities in social structures and community conditions that are the main drivers of diet and weight-related health disparities. For more information on this funding opportunity and how to apply, please visit their website.


NIH All of Us Research Program Seeks Engagement and Enrollment Partners

Application Deadline: Ongoing through May 23, 2025

The National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program has issued a new funding opportunity soliciting proposals to support outreach, community engagement, and participant enrollment and retention efforts. The opportunity spans four specific areas of interest, including community, participant, and health care provider engagement, enrollment and retention; researcher engagement; Tribal engagement; and integration of participants and advocates in program oversight. All of Us anticipates funding multiple awards through this opportunity.