External Partners Directed Research Projects

Call for Proposals


We are currently not accepting proposals


The Personalized Nutrition Initiative with the support of our External Partners Program is seeking applications for multidisciplinary research proposals that have the potential to impact personalized nutrition supporting the health and wellbeing of healthy human populations across the lifespan. The goal of the External Partners Directed Research program is to fund research with the potential to provide new applied and translatable innovation in personalized nutrition to advance health or solutions to personalized nutrition-related barriers that meet shared and critical needs in companies of all sizes. As such, projects must include outcomes that delineate individualized responses to diet or social and behavioral factors that influence actions. Dietary interventions should test outcomes dependent on genetic, epigenetic, microbiome, and/or aspects of the exposome that vary between individuals. Research conducted in preclinical animal models is not supported by this funding mechanism.

In this call for proposals, we are inviting proposals from interdisciplinary teams for projects that address one or more of the following Personalized Nutrition priority areas:

  • Create predictive algorithms for data analysis
  • Dietarily responsive biomarkers
  • Food or supplement based bioactive compounds or nutrients
  • Diet interventions
  • Social and behavioral factors impacting dietary intake
  • Data aggregation such as novel technology platforms or use of wearables

Projects that will yield initial results in a relatively short timeframe (12 months) will be prioritized, with opportunities to share findings and garner input from the External Partners. A maximum of $50,000.00 may be initially requested over 12 months. To be eligible, the Principal Investigator (PI) must be an Affiliate member of the Personalized Nutrition Initiative. External collaborators can be part of the proposal, but funding is required to stay on campus (i.e., no sub-awards). If there are collaborations with researchers outside of academia or the Personalized Nutrition Initiative External Partners, please arrange a discussion before preproposal submission and include information in the submission; see instructions.